Get Someone Else To Foot Your Emergency Road Service Bills!

Almost all of us subscribe to one or the other emergency road service program so as to have assured help and service available to us at the time of any of auto related emergency. An emergency road service program is worth every penny when people from the company come out in the middle of the night in pouring rain, while you are miles away from your destination, to help you with a flat tire or engine trouble. However, it would be much better if someone else paid the couple of hundred dollars that we annually pay to our road service company. And this is what precisely a number of other service providers are doing for their valued customers.
Examples in case are credit card providers, many of whom are providing free emergency road service assistance on some credit card schemes. American Express provides a similar service to its rewards credit card holders. Owners of Rewards Green Card, Rewards Gold Card, the Preferred Rewards Green Card, Preferred Rewards Gold Card, and Rewards Plus Gold Card are entitled to the Global assist Program, where emergency road services are provided free to the cardholder when he or she is more than a hundred miles from home. There are number of other credit card companies that provide similar facilities free with their cards, and you should definitely check these out if you want the privilege of someone else paying your road service bills.