Roadside Service: 10 Ways to Love Your Car

It was a rainy night and traffic was sparse as Jane drove North towards Colorado. She was tense, it was an unexpected trip and she hadn’t really prepared for being on the road. As she tried to remember the last time the oil in her 10 year old car was changed, she noticed the that the gauges on the dashboard were jumping erratically. And was that steam coming up from underneath the hood – it was hard to tell in the rain. And then she lost power all together. Fortunately she was driving in the slow lane and as she pulled off the road her heart sunk as she remembered that she had planned to charge her cell phone during the trip. Jane didn’t even know who to call for roadside service. What’s a girl in distress to do?

Well, there would be no girl in distress if Jane had maintained a regular schedule of maintenance for her car. But the old boyfriend did that. Now Jane would have to learn to as well.

Below is an abbreviated list of basics that every car owner would be advised to become familiar with if they do not want to have to call for roadside service. Click over to Linda Sharp’s piece in for the details.

“The more you know about your car, the better you can care for — and drive — it. Understanding the intricate details and parts not only will help you keep it running longer, but it will also make dealing with mechanics and service departments easier.”

1. Read the Owner’s Manual

2. Change the Oil

3. Maintain Tire Air Pressure

4. Pay Attention to Your Car’s Warning Lights

5. Check Your Vehicle’s Vital Fluids Regularly

6. Get Rubber Engine Components Inspected

7. Know Your Car’s Acronyms

8. Use the Right Tires for the Season

9. Know Which Wheels Drive Your Car

10. Keep Your Car Clean

Posted on Monday, March 5th, 2007 at 5:05 am In Road Service  

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