Canine Emergency Auto Assistance

speeding dog
I don’t know if roadside emergency auto assistance was needed in any of these incidents, but there are some amusing stories about dogs in cars. Unbeknownst to one canine owner, her dog had swallowed her immobiliser chip, preventing the vehicle from starting. The problem was solved when a policeman figured it out and the car started when he put the pup at the wheel.

Another dog owner indulged her pet’s fondness for the steering wheel by allowing the poor thing to take the wheel, resulting in a crash.

Dogs accompanying their masters in cars is almost an American tradition. However, some dogs resist their owner’s attempts to make them traveling companions, causing some anxiety for the owners and the dog as well.

Here are some tips on helping your pet overcome their road bound fears.

  • Get your dog used to the car environment. Get in the car together and have a treat. Talk. Be happy. Make it a fun time. Do not have the car running, just share a treat and make it a positive experience. Repeat this a number of times on different occasions. You may want to feed your dog in the car. If your dog is afraid of even getting into the car, try feeding or giving a treat close to the car.
  • Get your dog used to the car while it is running. Repeat step one, only this time start the car. Give a treat before and after. If she looks or acts nervous, reassure her that everything is OK. Take your time and make sure she is relaxed before ending the session.
  • Get your dog used to the motion of the moving car. Once she is used to the car running without any fearful reaction, back the car to the end of the driveway, then forward again to the garage. Give her a treat and praise her. Repetition is the key. The more you do this the more confident your dog becomes that cars are no problem. In fact, to her it becomes a great place for attention, praise, and even treats.
  • Now it is time to take a short trip around the block. Treats and praise before and after, and calm, reassuring talk throughout the ride are a pre-requisite. Gradually increase the distance traveled until your dog is calm no matter how long she’s in the car.


Just a suggestion, to avoid the necessity of emergency auto assistance, do keep your pup on the seat and not behind the wheel.

Posted on Thursday, March 8th, 2007 at 6:18 am In Emergency Auto Assistance  

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