Roadside Assistance Program

Have you ever been stuck in stop and gotraffic for hours on end only to find that a stalled vehicle was the cause of all that traffic?  What about if you were ever that stalled vehicle?  What would you do in such a situation?  You couldn’t very well push the vehicle to the nearest service station yourself, and everyone else around you would be too busy giving you angry glares or shouting obscenities at you – and face it, you’re not going to ask any of them to help!  Oh, if only you had emergency road service.  But you don’t.  So what do you do?  You could call your brother or your uncle, but what would they be able to do?  How would they be off assistance to you?  How long would it even take them to get to you?  Even worse, they too would be stuck behind you in hours of crawling traffic, unable to get to you in time to offer assistance.
A situation such as that described above may not be as unlikely as it sounds, for even if it is not a total break-down case, it could be one of many other problems – surely at one point or another you will need some sort of emergency road service assistance.  

Ways to save with emergency road service programs


Most drivers now consider having an emergency road service assistance program to be as important as having good vehicle insurance coverage.  In some ways it is.  So much so in fact that most car insurance companies (at least the bigger ones like State Farm and Presidential) have included top of the line emergency road services as part of their insurance packages.  Get this – having an emergency road service from any of these insurance companies can actually lower your monthly insurance premiums!  I know this for a fact because that is how I get savings off my insurance premium for my car!


Emergency road services are also offered within most new car warranties and extended warranties.  The best emergency road services would obviously come from the larger provider of these car warranties, which by no surprise usually are the most expensive warranties.  The good news however is that having emergency road service within your new car warranty means that you didn’t pay anything additional for the road support, and that you don’t – at least until your car warranty is up.  Extended auto warranties also provide emergency road service for twenty-four hour coverage of your vehicle, and so too at no extra cost.  The draw back with this however is that you do have to pay for your extended warranty service as opposed to your new car warranty.

Road service programs and other auto industry businesses


Road service programs have become popular independent businesses among the automotive industries, and it is a service that is closely associated with both warranty service providers and insurance companies.  What most persons are not aware of is that they need not be paying an additional cost each month for this service.  What do I mean?  Just pull out your extended warranty service contract, your new vehicle warranty, or even your vehicle coverage insurance.  Read carefully the entire contract – you are sure to find one paragraph in at least one of these documents that says that your vehicle is to be covered for simple roadside assistance by any of those providers! 


All new warranties in the least provide roadside assistance for its customers, even if it is through a service that is subcontracted out to other roadside service program companies.  Extended warranties include this feature as an optional coverage, but you should be careful to read carefully or ask your representative because sometimes it is automatically included.  Insurance policies also include this feature as a requirement for additional premium discounts, so you may have been signed up for it without even realizing!

Benefits of auto road services


Regardless of if you are man or woman, new driver or experienced driver, vehicle owner or simply a vehicle driver, it is essential for everyone to know about the perks of auto road services.  For a small monthly fee, you can gain the peace of mind and the assurance of knowing that should an emergency arise on the road that you can count on immediate assistance with just a quick phone call to your auto road service providers.

Imagine locking yourself out of your car at the grocery store or running out of gas on a cross-country journey.  If you had invested in auto road services for roadside assistance, then all it would take was a call to a toll free number and a few minutes of patience until roadside help arrives. Whether it is with a locksmith to get your door opened or a reserve of gas to get you to the nearest gas station. 
Even if your car stalls on your way to catch a flight at the airport, worry not.  Simply call your auto road service provider, wait for them to arrive, and if you don’t get a lift to the airport yourself or a tow to the nearest auto shop, then they would even rent a cab for you!  That’s how good some auto road services can be!

Roadside assistance program



If you want peace of mind during your road trip, then you should definitely consider getting the roadside assistance program. This will help you to get assistance at any given location or hour of the day.


These roadside assistance programs can be easily purchased from third party vendors. There are various companies that provide such roadside assistance program at a reasonable cost. However, the service is not restricted only to cars, but can also be extended to motorcycles, trailers, caravans and scooters. Even bikes and wheelchair can be part of this program. 


Road assistance program can also be purchased for a fleet of cars and is extremely beneficial for companies who operate fleets of cars and taxis. The service comes is not only as a comprehensive package but can also be customized for individual needs. A few of them are the battery service and flat tire service and towing facilities. The cost of buying such coverage varies from about $25.00 to $50.00 on basis of the type of coverage. The companies also provide fast service. The average response time is some where between 30 minutes and 45 minutes. So get your car enrolled into this program for a hassle free drive.  

Easy and reliable maintenance

Mechanical failure, can happen anytime even with a new vehicle. As mechanical failures are common, it is necessary to take precautions that would help you in the hour of need. Roadside maintenance programs are services which help to repair your car if you are stuck anywhere on the roads. Earlier the services that were covered under roadside maintenance programs included towing the vehicle to the nearest service or repair station and minor repairs. Nowadays these services have become more sophisticated and can handle any kind of repair activities.
You need to become a member of any of the roadside assistance programs. The services that are offered nowadays include locksmith services, changing of flat tire, starting a car with battery jump and other special services such as oil, gas and water.
Moreover, if your vehicle gets stolen, the service provider drops you to your home or offers sufficient money so that you can reach your home safely. These roadside maintenance programs are proving to be very helpful to the car owners. You just have to make a call on the toll free number and a team of professionals will reach to help you out in a short span of time.

Help always


Roadside assistance program refers to help provided by registered companies, either independent or those associated with the auto warranty firms.

The roadside assistance program covers various problems encountered by vehicle owners like engine failure, mechanical problem, flat tire, fuels and fluid shortage or during accidents. Apart from these routine matters, agencies running roadside assistance program also help car owners in identifying the nearest motel, town, tourist guide map. 

In case the vehicle breaks down and cannot be repaired on the spot, it will be towed to the nearest workstation. The agency will also help the car owner by providing an alternative vehicle to continue the trip. 

In order to make use of the roadside assistance program effectively, car owners have to subscribe to this service. The service providers are registered in the local yellow pages and the Internet. Evaluate their offers carefully before selecting a particular agency. 

Auto warranty firms also specialize in roadside assistance program. There are auto warranty packages, inclusive of roadside assistance program. Subscribing to such an auto warranty package will also be useful. However, it comes for a premium. If you are not happy with the roadside assistance program of the auto warranty agency, then chose an independent agency.

A must register service



Roadside assistance program refers to help rendered by independent third party service providers whenever vehicles are in distress.


It could be a mechanical failure or engine breakdown, and the firms engaged in roadside assistance programs will render the service for a prescribed fee. The fee varies depending on the service sought by the stranded car owner.


The roadside assistance program cover help in case of mechanical failure, engine breakdown, power train, drive train repairs, steering system inspection, brake mechanism check, flat tire assistance, vehicle towing, fluid and fuel delivery and replacement of faulty spare parts.


The roadside assistance program also covers cash delivery, ATM locator, hotel booking, tourist guidance and alternative transport arrangement.


Select an organization or firm specialized in roadside assistance program after considerable due diligence. A number of firms are registered on the Internet and the yellow pages of the local county. Make specific inquiries before finalizing the firm.


Review at least four firms engaged in roadside assistance programs before selection. The packages could vary from firm to firm. Look for the features closely. Prices are nonnegotiable, but features are. Therefore, insist for more features in the package.


Car owners can also select agencies specializing in roadside assistance program by reading magazines and journals that carry out their periodical evaluation.


Become a member

Roadside assistance programs is as important as any other basic service. There are a number of firms and agencies that specialize in roadside assistance programs. Become a member of the program for a prescribed fee because the benefits are immense.
The firms offering roadside assistance programs provide services such as battery / jump start service in case the vehicle suffers a breakdown or encounters a mechanical problem while traveling on the speedways. The firms also offer other basic services like vehicle fluid delivery, towing and pick up, flat tire assistance, accident towing, mechanical adjustments, travel assistance, emergency cash, ATM locator, hotel bookings and alternative vehicles to continue the trip.

Choose the best service provider to suit your needs. However, the services are categorized based on the needs of the car owner. Opt for a comprehensive package since the benefits are multiple. However, a comprehensive package is expensive when compared to a routine package that offers basic services, but the peace mind knowing you will be covered in case of an emergency is priceless.
Some auto warranty firms also extend the roadside assistance programs. You can choose such auto warranties since they offer double the benefits. There are not many reputed auto warranty firms that specialize in roadside assistance program. Therefore, it is better to engage the services of an agency that exclusively offers roadside assistance programs.

An essential service

Road service refers to assistance rendered by auto warranty firms in case the vehicle suffers any mechanical failure or engine breakdown.

Auto warranty refers to a service provided by a registered firm, in association with the vehicle dealer, for a fixed period of time. The auto warranty takes care of the repair and maintenance cost of the vehicle. The warranty covers repairs of the drive train, power train, engine, breaking system and steering system. However, it does not cover the prices of the spare parts required to replace the damaged or faulty ones.

In case your car experiences any of the above said problems while traveling, it is the duty of the auto warranty firm to come to your assistance. Not all auto warranty firms offer road service. So make sure you buy such auto warranties that offer road service.

The road service also includes vehicle towing, fuel and fluid delivery, flat tire assistance and hotel reservations for the car owner and fellow travelers.
However, auto warranties including road service can be expensive, but the initial investment will save you a lot of money in the long run. You may also seek out an independent road service provider in case he / she does not find the auto warranty firm to be satisfactory in its service through your dealership.