An essential service

Road service refers to assistance rendered by auto warranty firms in case the vehicle suffers any mechanical failure or engine breakdown.

Auto warranty refers to a service provided by a registered firm, in association with the vehicle dealer, for a fixed period of time. The auto warranty takes care of the repair and maintenance cost of the vehicle. The warranty covers repairs of the drive train, power train, engine, breaking system and steering system. However, it does not cover the prices of the spare parts required to replace the damaged or faulty ones.

In case your car experiences any of the above said problems while traveling, it is the duty of the auto warranty firm to come to your assistance. Not all auto warranty firms offer road service. So make sure you buy such auto warranties that offer road service.

The road service also includes vehicle towing, fuel and fluid delivery, flat tire assistance and hotel reservations for the car owner and fellow travelers.
However, auto warranties including road service can be expensive, but the initial investment will save you a lot of money in the long run. You may also seek out an independent road service provider in case he / she does not find the auto warranty firm to be satisfactory in its service through your dealership.