Archive for December, 2008

What To Do If You Get In A Car Accident

An accident leaves drivers stunned and shocked, and often people aren’t sure what to do first Auto accidents are always surprising and seem to happen when you least expect them.  What steps should you take right after an accident, when your adrenaline is pumping?  Read on. Obviously, the first thing to do in the case […]

Posted in Road Service

Americans Opt For Public Transportation Even With Cheap Gas

Fuel prices went down in October, however Americans continued to drive fewer miles than ever.  In fact, motorists drove 9 billion fewer miles than October of 2007. The driving decline is due to a fundamental change in motorists’ habits that started during the high gas prices this summer.  Starting November of 2007, American motorists have […]

Tracking Your Gas Mileage Is Easier Than Ever

Drivers who are fuel-conscious now have a new innovative way to calculate their vehicle’s mileage and compare their mileage to other drivers’.  Also, motorists will be able to devise ways that they can improve their own fuel-economy. A new website, called, allows you to put your car in their system by entering details about […]

What Is The Most Stolen Vehicle In The U.S.?

Apparently, car thieves aren’t all that concerned about steeling vehicles that are fuel-efficient. In fact, SUVs and large pickup trucks are the majority on the top-10 most stolen vehicles list, according to the Highway Loss Data Institute, which is affiliated with the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Number one on the list is the Cadillac […]

How To Keep Track Of Your Teen Driver

Teens are known for making driving mistakes, which unfortunately can result in car accidents. This leaves parents feeling anxious, not knowing if their teen driver is safe. There are numerous devices out there that allow parents to track their teenage drivers.  However, now parents can track their teen right from their own keychain. Many technologies […]

Why Drivers Should Be Careful With Modern Car Technology

Modern vehicles are made with sophistication and elegance.  The dashboard of recent vehicles feature innovative technology that will have drivers in awe.  This technology is a benefit to us all, as long as we know how to use it.  Yet, how many drivers actually know the functions and operations of all of these controls and […]

What State Has The Most Expensive Car Insurance?

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners recently performed a study to determine what the best and worst states are in the country for auto insurance.  According to the study, you are paying the highest insurance premiums if you live in the Northeast. New Jersey proved to be the most expensive state.  On average, premiums in […]

Could Gas Hit $1 Per Gallon?

Recently, a CEO of Gulf Oil said that a barrel of oil could cost as low as $20, and gas prices could bottom out at $1 per gallon by early 2009.  Currently, gas is at $1.77 per gallon nationwide, according to AAA. This information, coming from an insider in oil, is mind-boggling when you consider […]

Laws That Are Reducing Drunken-Driving Fatalities

Two laws that have been in place since 1988 in all 50 states are receiving new acclaim for lessening fatalities due to drunken-driving. A recent study in Accident Analysis and Prevention in July has recognized that the drinking age increase to age 21 has reduced the ratio of deaths due to drunken-driving by at least […]

Is Tire Pressure Important?

It is very important to maintain a correct tire pressure for the safety of your vehicle, especially when cold weather can cause the air pressure in tires to decrease. It is estimated that 650 people are killed and 32,000 are injured as a result of car crashes related to problems with tires.  However, a recent […]