How To Keep Track Of Your Teen Driver

images-21.jpgTeens are known for making driving mistakes, which unfortunately can result in car accidents. This leaves parents feeling anxious, not knowing if their teen driver is safe. There are numerous devices out there that allow parents to track their teenage drivers.  However, now parents can track their teen right from their own keychain.

Many technologies out there monitor the speed and location of your teenage driver, and some even videotape who’s riding in the car.  However, now there is a Canadian company that is offering a new device called the Lemur Autovision keychain.  For the low price of $99.95, parents are able to track the maximum speed that their teen is driving, as well as excessive braking and distance traveled.  Essentially all that it requires is the installation of a non-GPS based sensor box and the monitor keychain.  This system doesn’t invade a teen’s privacy, but allow parents to discipline children for speeding.  And the best part is that it is tamper proof and protected by a PIN, which lets parents know if there have been attempts to fool the system.

Parents need to take extra precautions to keep their teen drivers safe, which includes purchasing a roadside assistance program, monitoring teen driving, and setting strict guidelines.  You can never be too careful when it comes to your children.

Posted on Wednesday, December 10th, 2008 at 5:20 pm In Roadside Assistance Program  

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