Roadside Assistance Program

In short, what is a roadside assistance program?


Many a drivers, especially women drivers, would agree that the roadside assistance program is indeed one that has become more than just a convenience.  It is now a necessity for most drivers, especially the younger drivers, senior drivers, and the women drivers. 


In any time of distress, all that is usually required is that you have access to a phone to get help.  Most roadside assistance programs carry toll free twenty four hour emergency assistance lines, and most roadside assistance programs respond immediately to calls of distress from its valued members.  It is even possible in these recent times to find that the newer model cars carry special technologies that allow their roadside assistance programs to respond to in times of the driver’s distress.  All that takes is the press of a button and there is someone on the other end who can keep a driver calm and talk us through many a panic attacks until the service repair technicians can arrive.


Many roadside assistance programs also insist that their members service vehicles regularly and that all drivers receive information on how to stay calm and respond to any emergency that may arise on the road.  This is very important information as it allows one to call for assistance in a clear head and be of most assistance to the person on the other end who is trying to get as much information from you as possible to help you in the best way possible.

Roadside assistance should be last resort on the roadways



While one would agree that roadside assistance is indeed a great convenience to enjoy, many become too dependent upon the service that it becomes more of a necessity to them.  I refer in particular to my fellow women drivers.


I ask of you ladies, have you ever changed a tire yourself?  Do you even know how to change a tire?  How often do you check and change your water, your oil, or your brake fluid?  When was the last time that you serviced your car?  Are you aware of what is being done when your car is being serviced?  What about your tire pressure?  Can you tell when you are getting a flat tire?  How often do you look at your dashboard while driving?  Are you aware of your radiator temperature or your gas light?  Most women are guilty of ignoring one or more of the above.  And ironically enough, these are the most common distress calls received for roadside assistance.


But while our women drivers are guilty, they are not the only culprits.  For each woman who drives on the road, there must be at least one man who stands beside her – a father, brother, husband or boyfriend.  How many of you let the women in your lives drive without a spare?  How many of you neglected to teach the women the safety checks to perform in any car before getting into the car?  In short, roadside assistance has become a fallback for both men and women’s lack of preparedness on the roadways.

The perks of roadside service


Roadside service has saved my day so many times.  It didn’t matter if I had locked myself out of the car or lost my keys while shopping or if my engine overheats,  I never panic because I know that my roadside service assistance program would respond to my calls for help in no time at all.


Even though I am paying extra for roadside service every month, I still think it is worth every penny of my hard earned money.  Why?  I am a young driver on the road for over three-quarters of the day every day in order to get my job done. Having a roadside service provides me with a safety net knowing that I have someone to count on twenty-four seven; that at the dial of a toll free number I can call for help regardless of where I am.  Having a roadside service provides me with the reassurance that my family is safe too wherever they go.

A Friend in Hour of Emergency

Emergency road service is also known as breakdown coverage. It is a package of road services provided by the automobile or insurance companies. It offers assistance to car owners whose car gets stuck in the middle of the road due to any reason of mechanical failure.

The term ‘emergency road service‘ is also popularly known as emergency roadside repair or roadside assistance. These services have been made available to the clients because of the advanced growth of telecommunications worldwide. The customers just need to call their roadside assistance providers on the spot and the service providers will be there in a short while with their team of mechanics and will take care of the problems of your vehicle.

The emergency road service providers offer a wide range of road benefits, including jump starting your vehicle in case of dead batteries, towing the vehicle to the nearby service center or your home, changing the flat tire, provision of fuel, water and gas on the spot, and extracting the vehicle which is stuck in snow. Apart from this, you can also get services if your keys get locked inside the car.

So, emergency road services are a great comfort to all the car owners who can drive safe and comfortable with it.

The past and future of roadside assistance

There are basically two types of companies that would respond to a call for roadside assistance from one of its members; the type that requires you to call for assistance, or the type that calls you when you may need assistance. 


The traditional companies, which offer roadside assistance, are only able to offer assistance when contacted by phone via a toll free number.  Even then, they require you to give them, by phone, an idea of the type of problem being encountered and your location at the time of the problem or shutdown.  So what happens if you do not have a phone on your person at the time in question?  You would be unable to get assistance from your roadside assistance program unless you are able to find a phone (toll free, so you do not need money) to call for assistance.


With the advancement of technology however, companies are now able to offer roadside assistance with wireless technologies.  By such techniques, most service providers are able to track you by global positioning systems (GPS) attached to your car. This means that even without a phone, you can contact assistance by enabling your GPS device, which allows you to be tracked.  The downside with this however is that only the newer model cars or series would carry this feature since this technology is only a recent advancement.

The perks of investing in a roadside assistance program

I recently purchased a new insurance policy for my car, and unfortunately for me, was quite unaware that with the purchase I was also entitled to coverage by the insurance company’s own roadside assistance program.  Why unfortunately?  Because I later went on to purchase a separate roadside assistance package from an independent service provider.  This was a total waste of money!  The purchase or investment into a roadside assistance program is however, not one that you would normally be likely to regret.  In fact, for most drivers or vehicle owners, it is one of the best investments that one can make.


The plans available on any roadside assistance program can be altered or tailored to suit your own personal needs.  Generally though, a good program is supposed to provide you with coverage for twenty-four emergency assistance which includes assistance for fuel shut-downs, water and oil changes on-site, lock-out assistance, tire changes, battery jump starts, and even towing services if all else fails to get your vehicle back on the road.  Bonus features of most roadside assistance programs include travel allowances for vehicle down-times, and free gas dependant on your mileage and level of membership among others.

I believe in roadside assistance


Has your car ever broken down at ten in the night on a deserted road?  Have you ever tried getting people to give you a tow or even stop to give you the time of day on a stormy night in what could only be the worst neighborhood in the city?  About this time you’ll realize the importance of roadside assistance (or a mini skirt!) in your car.


On a stormy night in the middle of nowhere I remembered my roadside assistance card and called for immediate help, and within fifteen minutes uniformed officials were standing outside my car with umbrellas, a tow truck and a really experienced team to solve my problem!


I firmly believe that roadside assistance is one of the best investments any person who owns or drives a car can make. A person can choose to take a chance on a deserted roadway in the middle of the night in a short skirt; it is not the safest decision nor is it the wisest.  In fact, many times it has been heard on the news of persons gone missing or robbed or assaulted or even worse in these said circumstances.

Always remember Roadside Assistance Program

Roadside Assistance Program means services offered by automobile manufacturers or the vehicle dealers to assist drivers when they are in distress, particularly when the vehicles suffer breakdown on highways and roads. It is important that every vehicle owner is aware of this service since it is significance to him / her as well as their vehicles.Roadside Assistance Programs can be handy for all types of drivers, especially lone woman drivers or those driving with their families.

Roadside Assistance Program covers all aspects of the vehicle — engine breakdown, towing, flat tire and distress.

There are two categories of Roadside Assistance Program. First is the service offered by the vehicle manufacturer or dealer. The second is the third party service provider.

Usually, brand new vehicles are covered under the Roadside Assistance Program offered by the dealer or automobile manufacturer. But there have been instances when vehicle owners, dissastisified with the service offered, may register with third party service provider for better services. Predominantly, vehicle owners prefer the service offered by the manufacturer.

Though the awareness level about Roadside Assistance Programm is very high, not many vehicle owners use it regulary. Some providers of Roadside Assistance Programm offer a free package for the first few years of the purchase, while others charge a fee for the service.

The Roadside Assistance Program


Have you ever been locked out of your car or have had your car stall on you in the peak of freeway traffic?  If you have ever been in one of these unfortunate situations would you fully appreciate the value of the roadside assistance program.  Most people, especially men, seem to think that it is a useless service or that it is only a towing service.  But any good roadside assistance program would offer towing only as a last resort option. 


There are several services offered as part of the roadside assistance program, and these can vary from service provider to service provider.  Roadside assistance programs are also enforced as part of most vehicle warranties, both for the manufacturer’s warranty and an aftermarket warranty (or extended warranty service contract), so that it is often a free service to owners of new or used vehicles.


While most people would assume that the roadside service offered by the manufacturer as part of their roadside assistance program would be of higher quality than the service offered by private dealers and contracted service providers.  Most times however, they are sadly disappointed.  It is instead the contracted service provider, whose only job it is to offer roadside assistance services and thus keep customers happy, who responds to the customers distress call in the best time possible with the best service possible.  Then again, the private contractor is being paid for his services whereas the manufacturer offers his for free.


A unique program for your car

The car lovers are always in the mood to travel and prefer to go for long drives in their vehicles. But it gets very unpredictable when you may require help on the highway. But keep your worries at bay, because the Roadside Assistance Program is just a ring away.

Whether you have accidentally lock yourself out of the car, or is out of gas or have a flat tire, just call your service provider and they will be at your rescue. The Roadside Assistance Program is a 24 Hours service and is available throughout the country. Rates for such memberships also come in cheap rates. Starting from just $50.00 a year to $150.00 depending on the services you opt for. And remember it comes with a 24 Hour helpline facility.

There are many companies which have great expertise in providing such service. They also have an extensive network, throughout the country and hence the help is always very fast. The services are available for all range of vehicles. From cars to motorcycles, to trucks and trailers and from bikes to scooters, the service is for all.

Other than the roadside service, the companies also have information and support for other travel related services, like Travel Assistance, ATM locator and Hotel Reservations. Providing detailed maps and travel discounts are also part of the service provider. So relax and drive.