Roadside Assistance Program

The Facts About Roadside Assistance

When Your Assistance Membership Starts

Among the benefits of purchasing a membership to a roadside assistance program is often that you are inducted into the opportunity for roadside assistanceimmediate service. Roadside assistance is at your service that very day. If you are looking into roadside assistance programs for travel coverage, ensure that your coverage can begin when you purchase the membership.

Not to be paranoid, but it seems as though accidents always tend to happen at the most inopportune time. Don’t risk the possibility of purchasing roadside assistance that doesn’t offer immediate membership benefits. It may be just your luck that you get stranded between your purchase and when the program is available to you. Be sure to ask about membership timing so that you don’t anticipate help when it isn’t offered.

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The Automobile Mechanical Challenge

Like Having a Mechanic In the Back Seat

How much easier would traveling be if you had a personal mechanic joining the ride every time? The service offered by roadside assistance programs is much like having this luxury, the main difference being that it’s just a dial away. auto road serviceRoadside assistance doesn’t only offer access to minor roadside repair, it’s also free at the time of service.

It’s easy to dismiss the idea of investing in roadside assistance if your focus is on the fee, but the driver broken down on the side of the road has everything but money on the mind. At that point, consider yourself forced to pay for expensive towing and mechanical repair from vehicle service locations that you have no choice over. With roadside assistance you need only to dial a number and whatever you need to get your car going again will be readily available. In the long-run roadside assistance can provide affordable help when you need it most, and give peace-of-mind to travelers with family safety as first priority.

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Losing Roadside Assistance is a Traveler’s Nightmare

Never Drive Out of Service

roadside assistancePurchasing roadside assistance service is a comfort for many drivers. In America, owning a vehicle for transportation is abundant as there are many miles to cover between states and cities. The mass of land that we call home also brings into perspective the coverage that emergency roadside assistance provides. Will your roadside service agency be able to assist you from anywhere?

Even with so much advancement in modern technology over recent years, service can be limited at times. Cell phones drop calls frequently, wireless Internet is hit-or-miss, and there are many locations, notably in the western section of the country, where the next gas station is miles down the road. Ask your roadside service agency about their coverage. If they state that they can be called to anywhere, make sure anywhere is really what is meant.

Inquire about the standards for any roadside assistance program, if any types of off-roads may not be considered roadside-assistance worthy. If you’re not planning to travel to certain locations, an assistance program that is limited by location may be suitable, but the investment is always more beneficial if it includes all areas on the map.

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Roadside Service That’s Accessible

Rate The Accessibility of Your Roadside Assistance Program

Roadside emergencies can happen anywhere, at any time. A driver can never be guaranteed a roadside assistanceflawless trip, especially when weather plays a factor. New tires, a fresh oil change, and a yearly tune-up are great car care accomplishments, but roadside assistance will be there when you’ve done it all right and an unforeseen event occurs against your vehicle. I can vouch for this fact as I received a screw in my brand new, week and ½ old tire last week. What a blow – literally.

It seems as though automobile malfunctions love to choose the worst possible time to happen. No time should be out of limits for your roadside assistance program. Your roadside assistance program should be backed with referrals of positive report. As a customer of an auto road service roadside protect program, you should expect 24-hour, 7-day per week availability, holidays and weekends included. Travel doesn’t relent, car accidents happen, and your roadside assistance program should be there to offer the service you’ve invested in.

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When Auto Road Service Really Counts

Protect Your Family With Roadside Assistance

When does a roadside assistance program really count? The answer is simple for anyone who has a family at stake every time they leave the residence. Your family, especially those families who transport children and children’s friends and/or carpool with other non-related persons, deserve utmost protection on the highway. As America becomes more and more saturated with speeding drivers and busy interstates, not to mention the likelihood that a wreck will happen close to home, a roadside assistance program can be a form of insurance that really matters.

Safety is a basic need for anyone caring for a family. Many fathers and mothers can vouch for the fact that they would do anything to protect their loved ones on the road. A roadside assistance program can meet your family in a stranded situation. You purchase all kinds of insurance to cover your family’s health, roadside assistance can provide the kind of insurance you need to know your family is not alone on the highway and that they will be met with a reliable assistor when the time of need arrives.

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Winter Roadside Emergencies

Road Service Preparation

Gearing up your car for the winter before you travel is a matter of a little preparation before the cold months arrive. It is better to anticipate a minor occurrence than to be stranded without road assistancesupplies you may need. In the winter, being broken down on the side of the road without preparation is a frigid and unpleasant situation.

Make sure to stock your vehicle with an atlas, emergency flares, a toolbox, blankets, drinking water, oil, antifreeze, and an extra tire if possible. Be sure to bring your cell phone and a battery charger to be able to call for help. Having a roadside assistance program to bail you out in such circumstances can be an absolute lifesaver, but it is necessary to have a means to call out for that service. The time for getting ready for winter is upon us so don’t hesitate to begin stocking your car with supplies and researching roadside assistance programs.

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Road Service For Winter Protection

An Unrelenting Season Welcomes Road Service Relief

The weather brought about by winter’s fury in many locations across the United States does an automobile more damage than any other season. Car drivers may suffer in summer’s extreme heat and Spring and Fall’s rainy winterize automobilewashouts can make driving very dangerous, but winter’s ice and snow can wreak havoc on your vehicle if you aren’t prepared. Even more, the minor accidents that can occur attempting to drive over winter’s precipitation can leave you stranded in difficult circumstances.

A roadside assistance program can mean a world of difference during a difficult winter driving. The back-up security of roadside assistance can prevent you or your family members from being stranded due to a collision, getting locked-out, turning out a flat, or many other unexpected occurrences.

Beyond protecting yourself through roadside assistance, you should be thinking about winterizing your vehicle soon as fall is approaching. Check the tire pressure, inspect belts, hoses, the battery, windshield wipers, fluids, and you may even want to get a tune-up before the cold months sneak up on you. It is always wise to drive more carefully in poor weather conditions, but taking every precaution necessary still won’t guarantee that you won’t have to submit to roadside assistance at some point.

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Caring For Your Car, and College Student

Auto Road Service For The Collegiate

It’s that time of year again. Schools are soon to reopen and let in hundreds of moaning pupils this August and September. Part of the back to school rush also means providing for your college student who you dream of obtaining inspiring career goals. But before the collegiate in your home hits the highway for University life this semester, consider the condition of the car they’re thoroughly loading down.

As important as your college student becoming an independent person is their ability to become an independent driver. Have you informed your young adult about caring for the automobile you’ve handed over the keys for? Do they know the ins and outs of road service and how to use the extra assistance you’ve provided?

It is common among college students for there to be a sincere focus on academia, a social life, and a sincere failure to realize the importance of vehicle maintenance. So caution your college student before they hustle around in your car with friends and backpacks piled high of the availability of road service should anything happen while they’re achieving great school success.

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Speed reduction bars save lives

Optical illusions outsmart drivers on roadways

Science Fair ’66 was not your typical middle school science fair and drivers everywhere ought to be thankful. Two British science teachers, a handful of 14-year olds, and some strategically placed yellow paint managed to bring roadways closer to the speed at which cars are had begun traveling them. The trick was trickery, itself. The project’s theme, Frames of Reference, relied heavily on the work of American physicists and cognitive psychologists. This work asserted that the perspective from which something is viewed heavily influences one’s perception of that environment. By adding a series of bright yellow parallel lines leading up to a busy intersection, scientists fooled drivers into thinking they were traveling faster than in actuality. This is because drivers naturally assume that since the landscape is flying by more quickly than they’re accustomed, the car must be traveling faster than it should. The result: drivers slow down.

With this knowledge in mind, I noticed another instance of this on my own route home. A short-cut side street many cars frequently travel was recently transformed by placement of median strips and extended curbs with flowers, shrubs, and small trees planted inside. I assumed this was in connection with the street’s attempt at revitalization, but learned that this was, in fact, to reduce speeds, making my driving experience more cautious and safer than before. The city is not mindlessly wasting money, it is attempting to improve the quality of its roadways.

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Small cars—big targets for auto thieves

Report says power-packing minis most frequently stolen

Big things come in small packages—and that’s not just for diamonds. This theory holds true for many cars, as well. Small bodied, power-packed engines and top of the line equipment provide easy lifts for auto thieves.

Leading research from CCC Information Services, Inc. indicates that by percentage small cars are among the top vehicles stolen and never recovered—or recovered in a “totaled” condition. Topping the chart for stolen cars last year is BMW’s 2001 M-Series Roadster. Other frequently targeted cars were Acura Integras manufactured before 2002 and 2003-04 editions of the Suzuki Aerio.

Researchers indicate that these vehicles were targeted not only for their high-end equipment–sound systems, video components–but for their versatility. Parts can be switched from these cars to cheaper ones to enhance street performance. Not surprisingly, coastal states (where illegal street racing is more prevalent) report more instances of stolen cars.

Even before publication of this data, car manufacturers began taking more sophisticated anti-theft precautions. For instance, the 2002 Integra’s key is equipped with a chip that must be present for the car’s ignition to start. Significantly, Integras with this security chip installed do not make CCC’s Top 25 list.

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