Roadside Assistance Program

Easy and reliable maintenance

Whenever there is a mechanical failure, it is referred to as the breakdown of a vehicle. As mechanical troubles can arise anytime, it is necessary to take some assistance from reliable source that would help you in the hour of need. Earlier the services that cover roadside maintenance programs included just the towing of a vehicle to the nearest service or repair station.
But nowadays, the service provider offers special facilities to the car owners so that the repair and maintenance of the cars can be done whenever need arises. Various services that are provided to a person with the membership include locksmith services, changing of flat tire, starting a car with battery jump and other special services like providing oil, gas and water.

Moreover, if your vehicle gets stolen when you are not at your place, the service provider drops you to your home or offers sufficient money so that you can reach your home safely. These roadside maintenance programs are proving to be very helpful to the car owners and they drive without any tension.
Moreover, you just have to make a call on the toll free number and a team of professionals will reach to your services in a short span of time. 

Get Your Car Company To Pay For Emergency Road Services

If you are buying a new car, then it is quite probable that you would not need to buy roadside assistance for your new vehicle for quite some time. However, this is not because your new car would never get in an emergency situation, but rather because most car manufacturers are nowadays offering free emergency road services to their customers. Most automakers ranging from luxury car makers to the everyday Japanese and Korean manufacturers are paying for your jumpstarts , towing, lockouts and other emergency or breakdown services till a certain period of time or  till you clock up a certain number of miles on your car.

Most of these car manufacturers pay for your complimentary road service programs for as long as the vehicle is under the warranty period. So you can be sure that you will be saving yourself money on emergency auto assistance for at least three to five years of buying a new automobile. Some of the major brands that are offering complimentary road services to their customers are Mercedes-Benz, Buick, Chevrolet, Audi, Hummer, Pontiac, Porsche, Lexus, Saab, Volkswagen, Saturn, Oldsmobile, Hyundai, Kia and all the GMC brands. While some brands use renowned services like AAA for this purpose, there are others that provide this kind of assistance through other tie ups.

24/7 services for vehicle owners

Emergency road service refers to help rendered by a consortium of auto dealers, local administration, including county, cops, health and transport departments, warranty service providers and car manufacturers. Emergency road service is a round-the-clock service and vehicle owners have to register for this service since it is very helpful whenever the car owners are in distress.
The concept of emergency road service was evolved a few decades ago when vehicles were repeatedly making distress calls while on speedways and motorways. Now, emergency road service is a standard feature in all counties. At the time of taking the vehicle delivery, the owners have to compulsorily register for this service. Some aspects of the service are free while others are offered against payment of a certain fee.
The emergency road service operates through a common helpdesk. Whenever vehicle owners are in distress, they have to call this helpdesk. Even a message from the mobile telephone will activate the helpdesk. The complaint will be passed on to the authorities concerned, who will then rush to the aid of the stranded vehicle owner.
Emergency road service registration forms are available with all leading car dealers. The completed form has to be handed over to the dealer at the time of registering the car. The license number will be entered into the national network.

Road services, is it worth investing in them?

As more and more automobiles are hitting the roads the importance of road services are also increasing. Today there are many car owners who have registered themselves with these road service providers who provide assistance in case of a car breakdown. But is it worth it to have a road service provider? One will understand the necessity of a road service provider only when stuck on a lonely road, far away from any professional mechanic who could help you. With a service provider, help arrives once you inform them about your car break down.

The road service providers provide help in case your car engine has failed or your car has run out of fuel or you are locked out of your car by human error. The road service providers have to be contacted by telephone and they can trace your location with GPS technology.  With a wide network they reach you within the shortest possible time. Your precious time is saved as help arrives even on a lonely highway. This would not be the case if you have a road service provider. The service providers are professionals who take the utmost care of your car and can be trusted in an emergency situation. It is always worth investing with road service providers.

Emergency road services- a life line of vehicles

Often when your car breaks down on a lonely highway the first thing that comes to your mind is emergency road services. This is especially true when you are far away from home. At such times we are blessed by the emergency road services. There are many road service companies that provide us with these emergency services incase of a car failure. These companies are like the doctors who help us out in the case of a medical emergency. The emergency services help us during various car emergencies like engine failure or accidents.

We have to register our self with any of the companies that provide these emergency road services. Nowadays there are various companies providing emergency road services. One has to select the best one that will suit the needs of your car. It is necessary that all car owners register themselves with any of the service providers so that they get professional help in case of an emergency. The emergency road service providers also help to fulfill the requirement of fuel for your car. It is surely a benefit to you in those times when emergencies occur. Once registered with a professional emergency road service you can sit back and enjoy the journey.

Road Side Assistance

Road travel has become very risky these days.  The traffic has increased many folds and it is indeed a tough task to reach home safely. Road safety measures are carefully carried out by the concerned federal governments but still certain emergency situations arise wherein extra help is imperative. Emergency road assistance helps the travelers with all the problems that they face on road.


The emergency road service includes ambulance service, car towing vehicles and car technicians just in case anyone needs assistance. Their services might also be needed when a tree is uprooted or a big truck is broken in the middle of the road. Clearing the road to enable uninterrupted traffic movement is the basic aim of this service personal. They can very quickly clear the traffic with their expert team and are very effective during critical times.


Wherever you travel it is advisable to have the emergency road assistance contact numbers ready. When you are stuck in an emergency situation you can give them a call for immediate help. Especially when you are taking a long drive their assistance might be imperative as nothing is certain. When you start planning for a long road journey the first thing to note down is all these emergency numbers.

For all vehicles

Auto road service refers to assistance rendered by registered companies to all categories of vehicles, ranging from cars to heavy-duty trucks. It also includes station wagons, pickup trucks, buses and mini vans.

Auto road service is offered by a registered company in association with a federation of auto dealers. This is because the auto road service covers all categories of vehicles. To register these services identify a suitable provider for these services. This category of service will be helpful to owners of various brand vehicles.

The auto road services includes repair of engines, fault identification and rectification,  jump starting repair, fluid and fuel delivery, ignition problems, and flat tire assistance.

If the agency fails to repair the vehicle on the spot, it will be towed to the closest shop. However, the vehicle owner has to pay a towing fee. In the case that the vehicle owner prefers to continue the journey, an alternative vehicle will be provided to him / her.

However, auto road service comes at a cost. There are various packages defining the services offered to vehicle owners. Go through the packages carefully before selecting one. The fee has to be paid on an annual basis. In addition the vehicle owners typically have to bear the cost of the repairs and replacement of faulty spare parts.

Road Service

Many of us know road service by the name of breakdown coverage, emergency roadside repair or roadside assistance. A road service is a type of insurance policy that covers any kind of repairs that has left a vehicle stranded in the middle of no where. The vehicle may be facing mechanical failure, may need a jump start or towing to the nearest repair shop, this policy covers it all. The road service also offers many other services like helping to change a flat tire, providing a small amount of fuel when a vehicle runs out of it, pulling out a vehicle that is stuck in snow or helping people who are locked out of their cars. It all depends on the coverage the policy is offering.

The first road service started with the development of the first motoring organizations such as Automobile Association and Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club, many of which were founded as membership bodies for motorists. The services to assist members were introduced later. However, in the past many of the policy holders faced problems in contacting their service providers but now with the availability of the wide network of mobile phone users the difficult task of contacting the service provider has become quite easy.

On-the road assistance through auto road services



Car insurance should protect you against accidental damages to your car (in the form of refinancing or even vehicle replacement). An auto warranty provides coverage for your car in the cases of repairs and maintenance services.  So who do you turn to for minor assistance and solutions on the roadways?  Who do you turn to if your tire blows out on you?  What do you do if your radiator overheats and you do not have any water in your car?  Who do you call if you inadvertently lock your car keys in the car (and you are not in it)?  Auto road services specialize in on-the road assistance. 


In some ways, these are even bigger issues than if your car simply needed an oil change or if you are involved in a minor accident –many people experience these road-hiccups every day and are not in the least way prepared to deal with them.  Auto road services specialize in these problems; they are the people who are waiting for you to call them at any time of the day or night to come to your assistance.

Road service programs – should I or shouldn’t I?



Auto road service programs invest in your roadside security and that of your family’s by providing you with roadside assistance coverage should the need arise.  For the cost of a standard monthly charge and sometimes a one-time or annual registration fee, you gain full assistance rights and roadside coverage in the event of an accidental lockout from your car, if a tire blow-out occurs, or even if you need a tow truck service.  These are only a few of the roadside incidents covered by a road service program – the numbers and coverage type would be different from program to program.


On the other hand, how often would you lock yourself out of your car or run your car battery dead?  How often would you need a tow truck service?  Couldn’t you change a flat tire yourself – why pay someone else to do it?  Why invest in a program that you may not ever use?  In the event that you do ever need to cash in on roadside assistance from a road service program, would it be worth all the monthly fees that you paid, or could you simply take the money out of your pockets without feeling the bite?