How To Know When Your Windshield Needs Replacing

images-19.jpgMany motorists have been in the situation where an object hits their windshield and a big crack shows up.  Your windshield might even end up bad enough that you have to call your road service program.  However, when do you know if it is necessary to replace the windshield or if the crack can just be fixed?

Windshield repair or replacement depends on the location, size and severity of damage.  Windshield shops can usually repair chips the size of a quarter, as well as cracks reaching three inches.  For bigger damage it is recommended that you replace your windshield.

The location of the damage is also a big factor in whether you can keep your windshield.  When a crack is at the edge of your windshield it can affect the structure of the glass.  In this case it is usually best to replace your windshield.

Many facilities won’t repair a chip if it’s in the direct line of the driver’s vision.  The repair process may result in minor glass distortions, which are unsafe for the driver. After all, you don’t want to end up calling for emergency roadside assistance.

Keep in mind, whatever the location or size of the glass damage, it is necessary to have it looked at right away.  Waiting can result in dirt getting in the damaged area, which can affect the repair job.

Posted on Thursday, January 1st, 2009 at 8:10 pm In Road Service  

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