A Recent Survey Finds Most Motorists Fear Breakdowns

images-33.jpgMotorists traveling on their own fear that at some point they might have car problems.  This isn’t surprising since drivers are spending more and more time in their car.  People are driving long distances to and from work, and have more errands than ever, so it is inevitable that drivers will experience a breakdown at one point or another.  Male and female drivers alike are fearful of this occurrence.

According to a recent survey conducted by Britannia Rescue, approximately two-thirds of the male and female motorists who were interviewed are scared of being alone and breaking down.

The figures break down into ninety three percent of women and forty five percent of men.  The survey also revealed that people become more fearful of someone stopping to help.  In fact, seventy percent of women wouldn’t want a man to stop and offer assistance.

The one thing that motorists can do to avoid being fearful of a breakdown is have an emergency roadside assistance program that will assist them in case they get into trouble.  After all, it can be scary to have a random stranger stop and offer you help.

Posted on Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008 at 7:00 pm In Roadside Assistance Program  

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