Dealerships Believe Lavish Cars Will Survive The Economy

images-7.jpgThe stock market has deflated rapidly. Layoffs, foreclosures and bankruptcies are higher than ever. So this is the perfect time to begin selling sports cars that are $350,000 in Tampa, Bay, right?

Well, we will soon find out.

Officials of Ferrari are planning to open an extravagant new dealership in Palm Harbor before Thanksgiving, also planning to sell Lamborghini and Bentley. And this week the Elder Automotive Group opened up sales of the “Spyker” sports cars in the Southeast.

Together these extravagant dealerships will do a test on the theory that car enthusiasts who are filthy-rich will resist economic gravity and spend on a car what it would cost for a large home.

While most motorists are currently worried about paying for gas, car loans and roadside assistance programs, there are still people out there who can afford luxury sports cars. Will these dealerships survive? That remains to be seen.

Posted on Friday, October 24th, 2008 at 5:17 pm In Roadside Assistance Program  
