Roadside Assistance: Exploring Car Seat Safety

Child Safety Seats The Object of Many Parents’ Driving Safety Concern

One of the most crucial topics involved in driving safety is how safe child safety seats really are. Parents are, hopefully, highly motivated to drive as alert and careful as possible when infants and children are passengers. But very careful driving habits can’t always prevent an accident. To offer extra protection for infants and children riding in a car, safety seats are available and insisted upon by the law.

A recent report released by Consumer Reports stated that not many of the common child safety seats that parents were using were standing up to their crash tests. Much to the relief of disturbed parents, the company then admitted to mistakes made in the testing and a false report of unsafe safety seats. This ordeal has brought back to the forefront a safety issue very important to the government, automakers, child safety seat providers, and especially families. offers a review of the Consume Reports incident that concerned parents can use as a guideline to what the overall results have shown. The important objective for parents is to continue to purchase and properly secure child safety seats that are accredited. Being a safe driver and practicing cautious driving principles are also the best way to keep you and your child protected from death or injury on the highway.

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