Use The Right Oil In Your Car To Avoid Vehicle Breakdowns And Calls To Roadside Assistance
Many motorists are unsure what kind of oil is needed for their car. They don’t know if they need to use regular or synthetic oil. This is dependent upon the car’s mileage, age, and what the carmaker recommends.
Cars that have higher mileage and that are older will generally have more engine wear that causes internal oil leaks. Synthetic oil is not generally recommended for these cars since the oil is thinner than regular oil and it flows more freely. If you use synthetic oil on the incorrect kind of car, than this can cause internal oil combustion.
Many carmakers today will use synthetic oil in the engines of their cars, especially for cars that contain high performance engines since they have higher compression, higher temperatures of operation, and tighter engine tolerances. If you are unsure whether of not synthetic oil is right for your car and it is still under warranty, it is wise to consult with your dealer before putting oil in your car.
In the correct car, synthetic oil is a better choice. Make sure you consult your owner’s manual to know what kind of oil is recommended for your particular car. Even though synthetic oil is more expensive than regular oil, it is a wise investment to make since it will last longer and can even extend the life of your engine. Finally, if you use the right oil in your car, it will help you to avoid engine problems that will cause the car to break down and make it necessary to call for roadside assistance.