Tips To Help Lower Teen Auto Insurance

Teenage DriverTeenage drivers increase the cost of a family’s auto insurance. This reason for this is the insurance is based upon how likely it is for a driver to get into a car accident. According to statistics, young, inexperienced drivers account for a large number of car accidents. Therefore, signing your teen up for emergency auto assistance is a smart idea. Here are some tips to help you lower the cost of teen auto insurance.

1. Make an effort to qualify for as many discounts as possible. If you are able to, classify your teenager as an “occasional” driver rather than a primary driver.

2. Make certain that your teenager takes a driver’s education class. This may qualify them for an insurance discount. Also, be sure to have them take a defensive driving class that may reduce premiums.

3. Avoid purchasing a high-performance sports car that your teenager may get into trouble with. Insurers look down upon these types of cars.

4. If your teenager goes away to college without taking the car with them, you may be able to remove them from your insurance policy.

Following these helpful tips can help you save money on your family’s auto insurance.

Posted on Sunday, November 13th, 2011 at 9:53 am In Emergency Auto Assistance  

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