Nissan’s Electric Car

images-20.jpgNissan is enthusiastic about the future of its electric car that is yet to be named. This car has plans to be sold to fleets in the year 2010 and retail consumers in the year 2012. It has recently been on a 12-city tour, with an electric drivetrain being carried by a Cube mule.

According to Nissan, the driving range on the car will be around 100 miles, while it will take about four hours to recharge plugged into an outlet that is 220-volt and eight hours using a 110-volt outlet. The size of the vehicle will roughly be about the same as the Cube, however it will have distinct styling. A reporter for The New York Times was told by an executive that the vehicle would have “an iconic electric-vehicle look,” however it won’t bring to mind ‘Blade Runner’ or the ‘Jetsons’.

And perhaps the most important thing is that Nissan is going to try to keep the cost of the vehicle between $20,000 and $30,000. The car will bring a $7,500 tax credit, which will likely bring down the cost of the vehicle to under $20,000, and with the savings on fuel, this electric car will be intriguing to the cheap and the green. This will leave consumers some extra cash to invest in other car expenses, such as a road service program. After all, roadside assistance will allow motorists to drive this new technology with peace of mind.

Posted on Friday, May 8th, 2009 at 4:35 pm In Roadside Assistance Program  

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