Texting While Driving Is Banned In California

images-5.jpgCalifornia jumped on board with several other states last week when it decided to ban text messaging behind the wheel. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety supported this move by California because of the large amount of accidents and road service calls that result from it. Drivers who are caught texting will pay $25 for their first offense and $50 each time after that.

Interestingly, a similar bill that would put a ban on people driving while holding their dogs on their laps is going to be vetoed by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. In addition, his camp claimed that he would only sign high-priority bills.

It is difficult to determine the distinction here, except for the fact that text messaging is a much more common practice while driving than people letting their dogs hang out on their laps.

One of the leading causes of car accidents and emergency roadside assistance calls is distracted drivers, so a ban on texting while driving will help drivers stay safer on the roads.

Posted on Wednesday, October 1st, 2008 at 5:30 pm In Emergency Auto Assistance  

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