Archive for October, 2008

Election Day May Prove Dangerous For Drivers

Make sure you vote this November, but be extra careful driving to the polls. Researchers recently discovered that on Election Day deaths due to car crashes are higher.  This is based on a detailed analysis of elections that date back to 1976, when Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter faced down. On average, 24 more motorists […]

The Southeast Plagued By Gas Shortages

Fuel prices continued in a schizophrenic manner this last week, as gas shortages hit the Southeastern U.S. very hard. While the average around the nation stayed at a modest $3.64 per gallon, southern states, such as Georgia, Alabama, the Carolinas, and Tennessee witnessed gas stations that were bone-dry. And the gas stations that still had […]

Texting While Driving Is Banned In California

California jumped on board with several other states last week when it decided to ban text messaging behind the wheel. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety supported this move by California because of the large amount of accidents and road service calls that result from it. Drivers who are caught texting will pay $25 for […]