Deer Collisions Spike In November

images-16.jpgDrivers need to watch out for Bambi next month.

Drivers have a three time greater chance of hitting a deer in November than any other month, according to the Highway Loss Data Institute, who compiled research over the last five years.

Last year, those crashes killed 223 motorists, not just deer.

Because of urban sprawl, deer habitat and suburbia are intersecting, according to a senior VP of HLDI.

However, the most important factor is that deer breeding season begins in November.

Drivers need to take extra precautions to stay safe on the road.  People should make sure to wear their seatbelts, pay attention to the road, and have a good auto road service program.  Keep in mind that 60% of victims didn’t have on their seatbelts.

HLDI claims that the most dangerous times are at dusk, dawn and night, and on roads that have speed limits of 55 mph.

Posted on Thursday, October 30th, 2008 at 3:32 pm In Emergency Auto Assistance  

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