Avego.com Proposes Ride-Sharing Using iPhone

images-10.jpgMany companies have offered ride-sharing sites on the Internet that help fill seats in people’s cars and conserve gas use and greenhouse gasses, however, Avego.com has the big advantage of being affiliated with iPhone.

This downloadable application lets motorists create a social network of vehicles and passengers who are traveling in the same direction.  In this way, its goal is to cut back on the safety concerns and anonymity of ride-sharing.  Rather than riding in a car with a complete stranger, this program tries to put people together and acquaint them in a more reliable way.

In addition, the program’s goal is to have an established network so that Avego users determine points for pickup and drop-off.  Yet, while the idea is certainly intriguing, it will need to be demonstrated in the real world before it will be determined if it is more successful than any other ride-sharing networks online.

Just keep in mind, it always feels safer to be in a car with passengers, but you still need a good roadside assistance program in case of breakdowns.  After all, you don’t want to be stranded on the side of the road, no matter how many people are there to help.

Posted on Saturday, September 20th, 2008 at 2:22 pm In Roadside Assistance Program  

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