Motorists In Indiana Are Cutting Back On Driving

images.jpgHigh gas prices and other economy strains have caused Indiana drivers to cut back on their driving.This May, Hoosier state drivers drove 336 million fewer miles than in May of last year. This is a significant 5.3% decline.

The decline is one of the biggest decreases in a nationwide plunge, which is the biggest ever recorded for May. There were only three other states who’s drops were bigger: Michigan, with a 7.4% decline; Arkansas, with a 5.6% decline; and Rhode Island, with a 5.4% decline. Delaware and Vermont were tied with Indiana.

Throughout the nation, motorists drove 9.7 billion fewer miles this May than last May, which is a decline of 3.7%.

Normally, traffic will increase in May, which concludes with Memorial Day weekend; traditionally the start of the driving season for summer.

This trend may shift if fuel prices drop, but for now motorists are concerned with protecting their wallets. They are doing this by purchasing smaller cars, signing up for a roadside assistance program, and cutting back on their miles.

Posted on Tuesday, August 5th, 2008 at 7:07 am In Roadside Assistance Program  

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