Driving Mistakes That Are Dangerous

images2.jpgWe’ve all been there. You’re running late driving to work, and you want to make up for lost time. And before you know it you’ve got a lead foot while making a phone call to work. Doesn’t sound all that safe, right? We are all guilty of making driving mistakes, however we need to realize that these errors could have us calling for emergency roadside assistance.

It can be dangerous to adjust gauges and buttons while driving. In fact, it is necessary for auto companies to jump through lawyer hoops when consoles are developed equipped with satellite navigation systems, climate gauges and stereos. The #1 cause of car accidents is playing with these devices.

Aggressive driving is a factor in 56% of fatal car accidents. This includes practices such as speeding, tailgating, changing lanes improperly, and running stop signs and red lights. Many drivers admit to making the same mistakes that they don’t like to see other drivers make.

Mobile devices have become tempting to everyone on the road, but teenagers are especially tempted. These devices include Blackberries, cell phones, and iPods. It is necessary to used these devices before putting your car in gear.

We all make driving mistakes, but being aware of them will allow us to avoid road service calls. Safety should be the #1 concern on the road.

Posted on Saturday, August 16th, 2008 at 5:23 pm In Road Service  

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