Car Maintenance Is Promoted By Presidential Candidates

images-11.jpgApparently, tune-ups and tire inflation can transcend party affiliation.  Regardless of where the presidential candidates are with their campaign, people are always concerned with high gas prices.  So, recently, both presidential candidates have discussed the importance of car maintenance as a way people can save energy.  And according to a recent survey by the Automotive Aftermarket Industry Association, at least 75% of motorists claimed that they are maintaining their vehicles better because gas prices have been so high.

The Car Care Council commends Senator McCain and Obama for making it known that vehicle maintenance is a good way to conserve energy.  People can’t control gas prices, but they can the amount of gas that they burn.  Having inexpensive car maintenance done will not only save you money on gas, even up to $1,200 a year, it will also improve your car’s dependability and safety.  This may save you from having to make a call for emergency auto assistance.

According to the Car Care Council, you should follow these maintenance tips for big savings.  Inflate your tires properly, replace clogged air-filters, replace spark plugs regularly, and get your car tuned.

Posted on Thursday, August 7th, 2008 at 8:10 am In Emergency Auto Assistance  

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