December 14th, 2012 by Hal Moses
It can be extremely frustrating when you experience a car breakdown and are stuck in the middle of nowhere. In situations like this, it is useful to be signed up with a roadside assistance program. Many companies and car dealers provide roadside assistance. Roadside assistance will come and provide service no matter what time you experience the breakdown.
There are many roadside benefits that are offered with a roadside assistance program. One benefit of roadside assistance is that you will have assistance provided to you free of charge. There are a variety of benefits and services offered by various programs so it is important to do your research and make comparisons before signing up with any program.
December 3rd, 2012 by Hal Moses
If you find yourself caught in a severe thunder or lightning storm, these are some tips that will help keep you and your passengers safe:
1. Be sure that your tires and windshield wipers are safe for wet weather in the event that you cannot avoid driving during a storm.
2. If it is possible, avoid driving on the roads at all until the storm passes. If driving is a necessity, try to only drive shorter distances. If visibility becomes an issue, pull over to the shoulder of the road as soon as you can do so safely. Park away from trees that could potentially fall onto your vehicle and turn your emergency blinkers on so that other cars on the road can see you clearly.
3. Listen to radio stations that broadcast traffic, new, and weather conditions constantly. If you do not know of any stations dedicated to these updates specifically, turn on the radio anyway to get updates from local radio stations, even though the updates will not be quite as frequent.
4. Be sure to turn on your headlights, but avoid using your high beams.
5. Drive slowly and carefully. Decreasing your speed is important if the roads are wet because extra room is necessary to stop your car safely.
6. Be sure to keep a good amount of distance between your car and the car in front of you in the event that you need to break suddenly.
7. Even if there is a great deal of thunder and lightning, stay in your car because it is safer than being out in the open. Also, avoid contact with anything that is metal in your car and that could conduct electricity.
8. Make certain that you are signed up with a roadside assistance program that can come to your aid in the event that your vehicle breaks down during the storm leaving you stranded on the side of the road.
December 1st, 2012 by Hal Moses
If you get stuck on the side of the road, emergency auto assistance can come and help you. A quality roadside assistance program will offer a variety of roadside benefits and services. Here are some important ones to ensure are included in your program:
1. Be sure to have battery assistance. Car batteries can die for various reasons. The most common reason is due to leaving your lights on. If that is not the cause of the issue than there could be something wrong with the alternator. Roadside assistance can come and jump-start you battery so that you can make it to a safe location.
2. Ensure that you are receiving tire assistance. Tires can go flat at any time for a variety of reasons. You may run over an object that puts a hole in your tire or have a leak in you tire. Regardless of what caused your flat tire, roadside assistance will come and change it to your spare tire.
3. Make sure that you receive lockout assistance. If you accidentally lock your keys inside your car, roadside assistance will come and help you get into your car.
4. Mar certain that you are receiving gas service. If you run out of gas while you are driving, roadside assistance will come and put enough gas in your tank to get you to the nearest gas station in order to fill your tank completely.
5. The most important service to be sure is included in your program is towing service. Towing can be expensive, but if it is included in your program, you won’t need to pay any additional cost to get your car safely towed away.
November 27th, 2012 by Hal Moses
There has been an increase in the obsession with new cars on the market. As a result, more people want to show off their cars by travelling on the road more often. However, increased amounts of travel have means that there are an increased number of vehicle breakdowns. When you are out on the road, there is no way to predict what may happen while you are driving. This leaves people at risk for getting stuck on the side of the road as a result of a breakdown. This risk factor makes signing up with a roadside assistance program essential for travelling safely. Roadside assistance will put a motorist’s mind at ease knowing that if they experience a breakdown, professional assistance is only a phone call away.
Roadside assistance programs offer many roadside benefits and services. Such services include changing flat tires, towing, help with lockouts, and refueling. Therefore, roadside assistance is essential for stress-free and safe travel.
November 26th, 2012 by Hal Moses

Performing routine maintenance serves many functions. It will not only keep your car looking it’s best, but also running it’s best. It can help prevent calls to your roadside assistance program.
The first thing you should do is give your car a wash and wax in order to remove grime and winter salt, as well as keep the car looking like new. It will help protect your car’s paint finish in the summer heat.
Another thing you should do is consult your owner’s manual and flush and refill your radiator. You should check the level, concentration, and condition of your car’s coolant regularly.
Also, be sure to perform routine oil changes. If you skip oil changes, the life of your vehicle can be greatly reduced. Also, be sure to change the oil filter when you change your oil. Other filters will also occasionally need to be replaced like the fuel, PCV, and air filters.
Finally, be sure to inspect your tires. Check your tire’s air pressure. Also, be aware of uneven wear, vibrations, pulling to one side, and cupping because these can be indications to problems with your tires or your suspension system.
These simple maintenance tips can keep your car running smoothly. However, in the event that your car experiences problems while out on the road, be sure to be signed up with a roadside assistance program that can come and help you out if you are stuck on the side of the road.
November 20th, 2012 by Hal Moses
Newer vehicles are designed with tons of safety features that help to keep you and your passengers safe in the event of a car accident. Today, many vehicles come with emergency roadside kits that are factory-installed. These kits generally include important items such as jumper cables, flashlights, and reflective markers. Emergency roadside kits help in the event that you get into an accident or experience a vehicle breakdown.
Today, cars are involved in all sorts of incidents. They are caught in natural disasters, storms, mechanical breakdowns, and accidents. Incidents such as these leave motorists at risk for getting stuck on the side of the road.
When such incidents happen, it is important to have a roadside emergency kit readily available to you in your car. Also, be sure to sign up with a quality roadside assistance program that can come to assist you when you are stranded on the side of the road.
November 19th, 2012 by Hal Moses
The upcoming winter season makes it important for motorists to sign up with a roadside assistance program. During the winter, the number of calls for roadside assistance increases significantly. No driver wants to be stranded on the side of the road in the cold weather with no one to come and help him or her. That is why roadside assistance is essential.
Roadside assistance is a great way to prepare for a vehicle breakdown, however there are things that can be done to prevent a vehicle breakdown in the first place. First off, check the strength of your car’s battery. A faulty battery is the most common factor that causes batteries not to start. Also, it is helpful to park your car in a garage. If this is not an option that is available to you, try to park somewhere that protects your car from heavy winds. Lastly, make sure your fuel tank is at least half full in order to prevent your fuel-lines from freezing.
You cannot predict when you may encounter problems with your car. Therefore, if your car breaks down and you are left stranded on the side of the road, be sure that you are prepared with an emergency kit full of emergency supplies like a flashlight, blankets, and gloves in your car. Most importantly, have a cell phone with you at all times in case you need to call for help.
November 15th, 2012 by Hal Moses
A roadside assistance program is very important and useful to have. It provides motorists with emergency auto assistance in the event that they experience a vehicle breakdown. Having a reliable program can help reduce stress in the even that a motorist encounters a breakdown.
Picking a quality roadside assistance program is extremely important. There are a wide variety of companies to choose from and each company provides their customers with different services and roadside benefits. Here are some important services to look for when picking a program:
1. Towing
2. Flat tire assistance
3. Battery jump-start
4. Lockout assistance
5. Fuel delivery
6. Vehicle winching and extraction
7. Minor roadside adjustments
Roadside assistance is a good investment because it is usually inexpensive to sign up with a program and it also allows motorists to feel at ease in the event that they experience a vehicle breakdown.
November 9th, 2012 by Hal Moses
Over time, there has been an increase in people’s obsessions with their cars and newer cars in the market. People are very proud of their cars and love to travel in them. With an increase in travel, there has also been an increase in the number of vehicle breakdowns. When out on the road, there is no way to know what will happen to your car while you are driving. This kind of risk factor makes it essential for motorists to sign up with a roadside assistance program. When you sign up for roadside assistance, you can feel at ease that if you experience a breakdown, a team of qualified professionals that can help you are just a phone call away.
There are many roadside benefits that can be included in a road service program such as towing, lockout assistance, refueling, and flat tire assistance. Therefore, road service is essential for safe travel.
October 8th, 2012 by Hal Moses
Routine maintenance performs many functions. It helps your vehicle look its best and it also prevents the need to make calls to your roadside assistance program.
First off, give your car a wash and wax to remove grime and winter salt, as well as make your vehicle look nice and new. This will protect the paint finish on your car during the summer heat.
Second, refer to your owner’s manual to flush and refill your radiator. You should also regularly check the concentration, level, and condition of the coolant.
Change your oil. If you skip oil changes, it can significantly minimize the life of your vehicle. When you get your oil changed, get the oil filter changed as well. Other filters also must be replaced from time to time. Such filters include the PCV, air, and fuel filters.
Lastly, inspect your vehicle’s tires. Let them cool down and check your air pressure. In addition, be aware of uneven wear, cupping, pulling to one side, and vibrations. These are all possible indications to problems with either your vehicle’s suspension system or tires.
By performing the necessary routine maintenance you can have your car operating properly and prevent calls to roadside assistance.