Roadside Assistance Can Help You When You Run Out Of Gas
Calls to roadside assistance are at an all time high due to motorists running out of gas. More and more people are putting off filling their tank at the gas pump due to major increases in gas prices.
Many people tend to run out of gas during snowstorms when they do not expect to sit still behind an accident or wait for a plow that is in front of them. As a result, gas is wasted and motorists are left stranded on the side of the road.
Though it can be financially difficult to fill your gas tank, filling it is better for your car’s engine. If you are constantly running on empty, you are more susceptible to having the sludge sitting on the bottom of your car’s gas tank sucked up. This can cause your fuel pump and filter to be gummed up. This can create problems in your car later down the road.
Motorists need to remember the importance of filling their tanks before getting too close to empty. No one wants to deal with being stranded on the side of the road during a snowstorm, or really any time of the year. However, with the possibility that you can run out of gas and be left stranded, it makes it very important to be signed up with a good roadside assistance program to help you out in case of an emergency.
Tags: roadside assistance, roadside-assistance-program