Roadside Assistance Is Beneficial For Any Commuter
At some point in their lifetime, a commuter will endure a vehicle breakdown. A breakdown can happen any time and any place and leave commuters stranded on the side of the road somewhere. Roadside assistance can help reduce stress for commuters if their vehicle experiences a breakdown.
A vehicle breakdown can make motorists feel scared since they are vulnerable to the dangers that the road can present. A survey showed that of drivers who experienced a vehicle breakdown, 5% had an elderly person with them, 15% had children with them, and 20% felt like they were stuck in a situation where they could not leave their vehicle. Also, 30% of female drivers felt a great deal of stress when figuring out how to deal with the situation.
The survey also showed that there were five situations in which people most commonly endured a vehicle breakdown. First, people experienced car problems while on their way to work. Second, people experience a vehicle breakdown while out shopping and running errands. Third, people experienced a breakdown in their driveway before ever even being able to leave their house. Fourth, people had their cars break down at their workplace, which left them stranded there. Fifth, people experienced vehicle breakdowns while on their way to visit friends and family.
A roadside assistance program help alleviate the fear of vehicle breakdowns since they are at ease knowing that professional assistance is just a quick phone call away and will have them back on the road before they know it.
Tags: roadside assistance, roadside-assistance-program