Honda Develops A New Airbag

images-2.jpgHonda is known for its safety, and for keeping people from calling for road service. Now, it’s maintaining its reputation by developing an airbag that is new and improved. The airbag will provide drivers with additional safety in the event of an accident.

The key components to Honda’s i-SRS airbag are a gas release control valve that allows the airbag to be deployed faster and makes an overall longer inflation period, and a spiraling seam within the design. Honda claims that this protection is more effective for the driver in the case of severe impacts and increases safety in various types of accidents.

The new i-SRS airbag will first appear in the Life minicar, which is going to be released in November in Japan. So far, it hasn’t been announced when the technology will make it to vehicles in the U.S.

Consumers are more concerned than ever with safety, which is one reason that Honda vehicles are so popular. People are trying to protect themselves by purchasing safe vehicles and roadside assistance programs.

Posted on Monday, September 22nd, 2008 at 6:25 pm In Roadside Assistance Program  
