More Americans Won’t Be Traveling For Labor Day

images3.jpgJust like the trend that witnessed Americans canceling their Memorial Day and Fourth of July travel plans, the last summer holiday will have an estimated 0.9% decrease in travel in comparison to last year.

According to AAA, the decrease in vacation travel for Labor Day is the biggest in the last eight years. This drop is a reflection on the high gas prices and larger economic trends. Fuel prices are currently about $3.70 a gallon, which is 33% higher than at the same time last year. In addition, with a rise in prices of basic commodities, travel appears to be a luxury that not a lot of Americans can afford.

The number of Americans traveling in cars will drop to 28.64 million, which is a decrease of 1.1% from last year. The most difficult news is for the already struggling airline industry, which will experience a decline of 4.5% in air travel.

Maybe you’re one of the lucky ones who can afford to take a road trip this Labor Day weekend. If so, you will pretty much have the roads to yourself. However, you never want to leave home without a good roadside assistance program. After all, you can’t predict when your car will breakdown.

Posted on Saturday, August 30th, 2008 at 12:05 pm In Roadside Assistance Program  

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