National Car Care Month

images-41.jpegNow is a great time to make a commitment to take better care of your car.  It’s National Car Care Month, so many people are taking the time to give their vehicles a little TLC.  Regular maintenance is more important than people realize.  It can keep motorists from having to call their road service program.

During the month of April, a lot of repair shops and auto stores are giving good discounts because of National Car Care Month.  It is a good time for drivers to take advantage of these prices.  Many companies hand out guides to help with car care, and host car check-ups.  Businesses will even volunteer to inspect parts of cars that get overlooked, such as air filters, tires, belts and hoses, fluids, and battery cables.

Unfortunately, the result of some of the car care experiences demonstrated that motorists neglect their vehicles.  In fact, eight out of ten cars failed a component of the inspection.  Tire pressure was low on 23 percent of the cars, where 24 percent of tires needed replacing.  Also, 25 percent of vehicles had air filters that were dirty, and 13 percent of cars had the check engine light on.

With April being National Car Care Month, it is a good time for motorists to be more responsible with maintenance.  Just by taking a few preventative measures you can avoid having to call for emergency roadside assistance.