Maintain Your Vehicle To Avoid Road Service Calls

images-21.jpegModern vehicles are designed for longevity, and if they are maintained properly, they can outlive their owners. However, many motorists don’t take the time to take care of their vehicles, which can lead to breakdowns and accidents. In this instance, the only thing saving a motorist is his road service program.

In a test conducted by The Car Care Council, 631 vehicles were inspected in seven states. Of the cars inspected, 80% of the drivers failed in one or more inspection test. This included such things as tires being inflated improperly, and low oil levels.

With gas prices soaring, it is important that drivers maintain their cars to get better gas mileage. This will put money back in the pockets of motorists.

Regular service will also help prevent breakdowns. People tend to procrastinate, resulting in road service calls.

Vehicles last a long time if they are well cared for. It used to be that 100,000 miles was the limit on the life of a vehicle, now many cars reach 200,000 miles.

Posted on Saturday, March 22nd, 2008 at 6:40 pm In Road Service  

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