24/7 service for motorists

Emergency road service is a unique program aimed at making the life of the road users easy. The emergency road service is operated by the local county administration in association with a number of players such as local transport authority, freeway management , and emergency response units including medical services and insurance firms and auto dealers. This service is not offered on the basis of any fee. The moment, a new vehicle enters the national registry; the car owner becomes a member automatically.

Imagine, a family is driving for a vacation and a passenger immediately develops a medical problem. All that the vehicle driver has to do is just call the emergency road service. Paramedical staff will be sent to the spot immediately to help the patient. If it is an emergency situation, the patient will be airlifted to the nearest hospital. Similarly, if there are traffic jams on the speedways, the remote speedway monitoring cell will swing into action. It will send a team of experts, who will remove the gridlock of vehicles. To become a member of the emergency road service, ensure that the vehicle owners are mentioned in the national registry at the time of delivering the car. Display the telephone helpdesk number of the emergency road service prominently inside the car.