Enjoy the drive

Roadside Maintenance is an often well-debated subject among the environmental management community and those with concern for nature. It is about maintaining the roadsides clean, neat and healthy by planting trees and saplings on either sides of the road.

It is also about managing the vegetation, plants, trees on the roadside since it increases public safety and nature management. Issues like maintaining the pedestrian path, bike stretches and drians are also part of Road Maintenance programms.

The advantages of implementing Roadside Maintenance are many: improves safety of driving, provides avenue tree look to the roads, increases the aesthetic value, regulates water dlow in the drains, controls soil erosion thereby retaining the strength of the paved road and acts as habitat for a small ecosystem.

There are specific plants and trees that are planted on the roadside. This norm is followed to ensure that the vegetation does not the block the drivers’ view of the road.

Roadside Maintenance
is usually the job of the local government. Sometimes, this responsibility is also assigned to a service provider experienced in this particular job. It is executed by using mechanised methods (using mowers) and by biological method to remove the weeds. Human resources are also deployed to for Roadside Maintenance.