Roadside Assistance: Safe Drivers Aren’t Sleepy

Tired Driving Matches Intoxicated Hazards on the Highway

Being a safe driver includes many driving standards that the person behind the wheel makes before ever getting into the car. Safe drivers know better than to drive under the influence, are aware of their driving weaknesses, are not aggressive on the highway, and are prepared with common driving and car maintenance knowledge and the tools to apply it. Most drivers would consider themselves safe as long as they have a clean record and don’t drink and drive.

A common accident trigger on the roadways, however, doesn’t stem from having alcohol before driving, a flat tire, or aggressiveness. Sleepy drivers are at just as high a risk for causing an accident while driving as those under the influence of alcohol. You can be a safe driver and still be unaware of how physically alert you are and how much the act of driving can take a toll on your cognitive responses to highway hazards.

If you consider yourself a safe driver, think about how often you’ve been drowsy behind the wheel. It can be tempting to go ahead and drive when you know you’re tired, but being sleepy while trying to maneuver a three-ton machine is highly dangerous. Safe drivers can add another standard to their list; don’t drive drowsy. If you do, don’t be surprised when your roadside assistance service has to show up to pull your car out of the ditch, or worse.

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