Roadside Assistance: Winter Weather Driving

Preparation for Wintery Driving Conditions Prevents Accidents

When the temperatures drop and there is precipitation in the air, roadway hazards heighten and the chances for being in an accident or ending up in a ditch do as well. The best option for steering clear of a winter traffic accident, of course, is to watch the weather and stay at home. But many commuters have no choice when work calls despite the weather conditions, so keep the following tools handy so that you can see clearly and maintain traction when the forecast is slick;

Be wary of how closely you’re following the guy in front of you. Many a fender bender has occurred because the following car couldn’t stop in time due to misjudging the decreased ability to halt in poor traction. Even if the road is dry and safe, ice and snow can find its way on the bottom of your show, causing difficulty maintaining traction on the break pedal.

Stay farther behind the driver in front of you than usual when conditions are dangerous. When you do break, do it carefully. Hard breaking on slippery pavement can cause the car to skid around, hydroplane, and become uncontrollable for long enough to end up in a ditch or another vehicle’s side or back fender.

One of the most dangerous mistakes a driver can make when weather conditions make visibility hard is forgetting to turn on the lights. When there is snow, ice, fog, or even rain it is imperative that a car’s lights be on to allow other drivers to see you better.

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